Thursday, March 24, 2011

Kid For Today--Growing up with the Internet

For my UNIV200 class, we have to write a research paper. I chose the topic of social networking websites and how they influence common stereotypes and types of communication.

I chose this topic because I've always slightly resented the internet, and wanted to better understand the function of the internet as a source of communication to make a final decision on whether or not I dislike it as a whole. This research paper, while at times enlightening to analyze the research, hasn't really changed my mind. Even though I see all this research and see how great communicating via internet and how it really is promoting community and is functioning with physical-world interactions, I still can't wrap my mind around the concept of taking the internet seriously. I distrust the internet greatly, and it is often hard for me to see genuine intent behind emotional exchanges via internet.

I also think this stems from my social anxiety disorder. The internet is the ultimate Big Brother, except for anyone could be the Big Brother. Sometimes people will mention something from my personal blog, when I know I have never told them about it, or reference a conversation I've had on Facebook with another friend they may not even know, and it gives me a sense of discomfort. It makes me wonder: Why are you watching me? What are you looking for? In person, in general conversation, I can read body language and facial expressions and see intent. On the internet, intent is imagined and self-projected, and it scares me.

It is, in a sense, the ultimate narcissism.

Something to ponder later on down the road. All my biggest intellectual interests are deeply psychological, and I've been having trouble getting that into a visual portrayal instead of just verbal. Hmm.

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