Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What's My Age Again?

In times of physical discomfort, we always instinctively want to place the burden of care on someone else.

I am at that point right now. The painkillers generally keep the pain of the burns away (although right now, the next painkiller isn't kicking in soon enough...). However, I want someone to take care of me. I don't want to research Facebook or read artists blogs. I want to curl up in my Snuggie (oh yeah, I own one. jealous?) with a book of poems by Susan Minot and have someone make me Chai with a little too much sugar.

Why do we do this? Have this desire to be taken care of? Regardless of age, we still beg for others to care for us physically. Before I even put ice to my burns, I was on the phone with my mother, asking her what to do and how to treat burns. Which is ridiculous. I know how to treat burns. Neosporin, Aloe Vera, ice, gauze. However if it weren't for her, I would've never have gone to health services, so it was probably good that I called her.

Something to think about.

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