Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dear Shane:

Fuck you.

Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you.

Oh, and by the way, please go fuck yourself.

I know that you are trying to push us. I know that you think that eventually we will respect you and realize the error of our naive, bratty ways and see that we are all better people because of how you made us work.

This is what you thought last semester, too, and surprisingly it didn't work on me. I felt like you didn't let me explore my own process, instead you forced your presumptions on me and I eventually did what you told me to do not because I felt a connection to it, but because I needed you to stop making me feel like a piece of shit.

You didn't even try to let me explain my process or how I wanted it to go. I picked self image and physicality because you told me I should work off the fear project. And everything else I did solely because I thought it would get you off my back. I feel terrible even claiming that work as mine; it is completely you. There is nothing of me in that work.

I want this work with Jamie to be different. I really like the relationship and friendship that Jamie and I have, and I have a great feeling about us working together and designing our own shoot. But the way you sprang those due dates on us in class was not fair. What you should of done is told us the due dates and let us work around them in planning, not let us plan and then try to tell us that 'oh just kidding, this is what you should be doing'. Jamie and I had already begun planning our time around our schedules how we saw fit and how we worked, and all of a sudden you want to override that just because you can? That's not fair at all. Once again, you're forcing yourself into our work arbitrarily to make sure we're going about the process the 'right way', when this is not how we naturally work. So now, we have to pretend we're doing it the way you want us to when really we're just going to do it our way anyway so what difference does all of this make?

I was seconds away from telling you to go fuck yourself in class today. Thank God you gave us time to leave. If you had tried to speak to me anymore, I would've said it. I'm usually the one sticking up for you and saying that your intent is what makes your actions okay, but right now all you're coming across as is an uncaring douche bag who is exercising power because he can, not because he cares. And that's not okay with me. I will not let you walk all over me and make me jump through hoops because you have authority.

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