Saturday, April 30, 2011

True Love Will Find You In The End

I wish more people believed in Karma.
Now, religion is a tricky subject (and yes, I'm counting Buddhism as a religion, even though a lot of people don't. But it is, and it's a little offensive to practicing Buddhists to have their religion discredited from theological debates). And ideas similar to Karma come up a lot in different religions. But the true, pure idea of karma is something I live by, and it makes me really content, and I wish I could share that glimmer of inner peace with others.
Basically, to those who don't know, Karma is the idea that whatever you put out into the universe you get back. This comes up a lot in Wiccan practice (every spell cast comes back three fold or ten fold, I forget which). Any negative thoughts come back to you, and any positive thoughts come back to you.
This is how I live my life, always wishing the best for everyone, even if I don't know them. Even if I have every right to hate them. I can't make myself hate them, because I don't want to be hated. I can't wish ill on anyone, because I don't wish ill on myself. I think that this forces me to try to see others perspectives, try to truly understand their actions before jumping to conclusions and making myself a victim, which is really important to me.

Just...a useless rant, I guess. I don't know. Eh.

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